Medical Services
Complete General Medical services including…
Nursing Services
Our nurses offer routine nursing services as well as speciality services. Appointments with nurses are available during normal working hours, although emergencies are seen without an appointment. Recalls – the nurses will contact you as a reminder for check-ups to…

Free Services
Free Services (during office hours) for: Childhood immunizations Diabetes annual checks ALL children attending school enrolled with this practice Sexual health for under 25’s.** consultations only – does not apply to repeat prescriptions…
General Medical Examinations
e.g. Drivers licence; Insurance Medicals; Pre-employment; Immigration; Diving medicals Employment Medicals Click here for important patient information Immigration Medicals Click here for important patient information…

Minor Surgical Procedures
There are some procedures (eg the removal of certain skin lesions) that can be satisfactorily undertaken by your GP in our specialised Treatment Room without the need to travel out of town to a hospital. Important information on Minor Operations:…
Accidents & Emergencies
Call Us: 07 865 8032. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year. For life threatening emergencies please call 111. 103 Lincoln Rd, Whangamatā. Whangamatā Medical Centre has a modern up-to-date…

Free Sexual Health consults for under 25s
A note for our younger patients… many of the programmes we watch on TV these days are about relationships and often these relationships are sexual relationships. But in…
We are Loved ♥️ by our Trusted Clients
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Firat Hicks
Founder of xyz.com
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Sarah Morrison
Founder of xyz.com
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Leland Bloggs
Founder of xyz.com
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